Fabulous Natural Frizz Fighters

A few days ago, I was at an event with a few beauty editor friends of mine, and I commented that my hair was naturally very curly and frizzy. No one believed me…and that made me ridiculously happy.

For as long as I remember, I hate frizz. I hate my curls. And I do all I can to make them as much a well-hidden secret as possible.

Sometimes, I succeed – other times I fail miserably, and for many of us, it’s a constant uphill battle against fuzz, frizz, and bad hair days.

In an effort to assist us all, I consulted Mahisha Dellinger. She’s a curly-haired expert and creator of the CURLS organic hair collection. She commiserated with our plight – big-time – and fabulous frizz fighting tips we can all take advantage of. Mahisha points out that those of us with curly hair are actually more frizz-prone – it goes down to our hair molecules, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight it!

This oddly made me feel better. It’s nothing I’m doing wrong, per se. Nature just decided to mess with my head. Literally. But you wouldn’t believe the ingredients Mahisha recommended to fight the good frizz fight!


Yes! A distilled white vinegar rinse is a great in the shower frizz fighting technique all hair types can add to their regime to banish frizz.

Here’s what to do:

Rinse hair with warm water to remove product, but don’t shampoo. Then apply vinegar directly to hair and scalp. I like to use a bottle with spout top for easy distribution. Gently massage. Rinse. Condition as usual. Not only is vinegar great at reducing frizz by sealing the cuticle by restoring it to its natural ph balance, but it also removes build up and adds sheen, leaving your hair super-soft.

Don’t do this too often though – once a week should be perfect – more than that can dry your hair out!

A Bit of Honey
We all love sweetening with honey, and so does our hair. Honey, when mixed with a little conditioner (for fine hair) or applied directly to your hair, after shampooing and before conditioning, for medium to densely textured hair; will have great smoothing/defrizzing effects!

Mahisha’s At-Home Recipe
1 can of pure coconut milk
1 ripe avocado
2 tablespoons of pure honey
2 tablespoons of olive oil

Gather all your goodies together and put in blender. Mix at high speed until a smoothie consistency. Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. You can warm up your hair smoothie in the microwave before next application…just enough do de-chill. Then, apply to your hair!

Section hair into 4 segments.
Generously apply evenly to hair, from root to ends concentrating on ends, as they are the most prone to frizz.
Smooth hair into a protective style (e.g. braided ponytail, or bun).
I’m trying this at home, and it’s working fabulously – I can’t wait to see the results you get!

By Aly Walansky