Video Review: Instyler Rotating Styling Iron

instylerA few weeks ago I went to an event in Soho, NY launching the new Instyler Rotating Barrel Styling Iron. At the event was celebrity stylist Dean Banowetz, think American Idol stylist for 6 years and stylist to Ryan Seacrest! Upon seeing the demonstration of the rotating styling iron I was quite hesitant to try. I thought it would burn my hands off! After the demonstration Dean could see my look of complete horror and decided to call me up and give me a one on one demonstration. Yay! Can I just say wow! This iron not only straightened my hair but it also curled it. Check out my video review of the Instyler below!  Read more about the Instyler at

3 Responses

  1. Purchased this product and have to say I love it. My girlfriends all want it after they were at my house on the weekend and I did their hair. Its really easy to use and worthwhile purchase.

  2. Yea, I asked for the Instyler for my birthday, and I was just soo excited to get it, and when I got one I found out that they lied! Big time! The instyler didn’t do half of the stuff it said it did! I have pretty thick, and wavy hair, and it worked terrible. it didn’t straighten, it didn’t shine, and yes my hair DID feel hot after i did it so it lied again! Then I compared it to my straightner, and actually my straightner does a WAY better job than this instyler ever did! So I learned my lesson here! NEVER trust infomercials, or the instyler!

    • Hey Sarah, how thick is your hair. I have thick hair too and am thinking about getting the InStyler. It seems like the only people that complain about it are the ones with thick hair, so I’m a little worried. Thanks for any help!

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